Life’s Final moments

When a death is imminent, our Pastors are honored to come and pray with your loved one, you, and your family.  If there is such a time, please call the Church Office at 817-731-0704 and ask for Rev. Tolli Macalik.  You can also reach the Pastor On Call (POC) at 817-204-5675 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  If no one answers, please leave a message and they will reach out as soon as possible.

Funerals & celebration of life memorial services

Funerals or Celebration of Life Memorials are services of Christian worship that praise God and witness to our faith in sure and certain hope of the resurrection and new creation as we celebrate the life of the one who died and recognize the grief of those gathered in community.  These services help us remember our loved one, allow us to say our goodbyes, and connect us to the loving support of family and friends. During this difficult time, our Pastors and staff offer their full support and experience in the planning process to help ease the burden for you and your family. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones as you move through the journey of grief.
Arborlawn UMC is honored to help members or non-members, and their families plan for these difficult times in advance or after the death of a loved one. Contact Rev. Tolli Macalik, Pastor of Care & Support at 817-731-0701 or email: for resources to begin planning the details of your own service, the service of a loved one who is nearing death, or has recently died.

The Columbarium in the Jud Cramer Ascension Garden

The Jud Cramer Ascension Garden at Arborlawn offers a space where members of our community can pray, reflect, celebrate, and remember. The Jud Cramer Ascension Garden is living testimony bearing witness to the long history and commitment of the church to nurture those in Christian faith and honor the saints who have gone before us.

The Columbarium in the Jud Cramer Ascension Garden at Arborlawn offers a space where members of our community can find their final resting place in the midst of the same place that, whether for a season or a lifetime, they called Home.

Learn more about the columbarium here.

Planning the Service

Services can be held in the Sanctuary, Elizabeth Cramer Chapel, or the Jud Cramer Ascension Garden and are scheduled based on needs, including their availability during weekday business hours of 9am to 4pm or on Friday and Saturdays.  Dates, times, and worship spaces can be affected by annual holiday seasons in the life of the church, including but not limited to Sundays,  Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and regularly scheduled church-wide events like Vacation Bible Camp in July. Please do not assume the worship space is available until checking with the church office first.  Members of Arborlawn are offered free-of-charge space for funeral and memorial services, bulletins, and ushers, as needed.

Request form

If you are ready to request the funeral or memorial service to be hosted at Arborlawn, our easy to use Service Planning Request Form within our Church Center platform will guide you through ALL of the details the Arborlawn pastors and staff need to know before your planning meeting. More details on all aspects of the service are also below.

  • The worship bulletin is an important element of the service and has a simple layout form.  After we meet with you to confirm details, the church office will send you a rough draft via email to review and edit.  Please be sure to check this proof carefully to make sure everything is correct.  Then after you have returned this draft with your comments and instructions to the church office, we will make the necessary changes and send you a final draft for approval before printing.  We want to give all the care we can to your loved one’s service, please understand that we will have to set some deadlines to ensure that your worship bulletin is produced in a timely manner for the service. The bulletins are offered at no charge to the loved one’s family. Some things to consider about the worship bulletin before the planning meeting include:

    Front:  Which picture do you want to use?  The Arborlawn UMC Cross or your Loved One

    Back:  Would you like to include the obituary, another photo, quote or favorite poem?

    Inside:  When you speak with our pastors, you will decide together on the order and flow of the service.

    If you would like for memorial gifts to be given to the church, please let the pastor know and there will be a link to the church website on the worship bulletin for anyone who would like to contribute electronically.


  • Are there particular Scriptures you would like to include in the funeral or celebration of life memorial service?  Sometimes a loved one or family favorite can be comforting and meaningful.  Our pastors can make some suggestions if you need assistance, or feel free to bring you own selections.


  • What music would you like to include in the service?  You may want to include instrumental music, piano or organist, congregational singing, or a soloist.  As you think about the music for the service, please keep in mind these services are a worship service and the music chosen should uphold the sacredness of this occasion.  While sacred music is a broad term, in its purest form it is generally associated with classical and traditional music.  Therefore, pre-recorded music is not permitted and we ask that secular songs be saved for the reception.


  • Arborlawn’s Pastors are the lead officiant at all funeral services held at Arborlawn United Methodist Church. Which pastor(s) would you like to lead or speak in the service? In addition to the pastors, are there family members or friends who will be speaking?  Will they be reading or simply sharing stories of the loved one’s life, faith, or impact?  Our pastors can guide you on how many speakers, preferably no more than 3 with a timeframe of 3-5 minutes per speaker.  Having these people in mind in advance will be helpful in planning.  We recommend that all speakers’ remarks are prepared and written in advance, since this can be a very emotional and difficult time.

  • Arborlawn does not create videos or slide shows for the service.  Families can provide a video tribute for the service.  If it is to be shown before the start of the service as the prelude, it can be up to 15-20 minutes long and will loop until the service begins.  If the video is to be shown during the service, please limit it to no longer than 4  minutes in length. The video should be delivered by USB flash drive at least 48 hours prior to the service so that it can verified there are no problems with the file provided.

  • Space permitting, Arborlawn may be available to host a reception following the service outside the Chapel or in the Lower Commons area for family and friends.  Our team will set up clothed tables with water, tea, and coffee at no charge to members' families.  We are open to cookies, other refreshments, and catering but these arrangements need to be made by the family or friends.

  • Flowers from family and friends can be delivered during church office hours of Monday-Thursday 9am to 4pm.  If the day of the service they should be delivered directly to the worship service location approximately 1-2 hours before the beginning of the service.

    Please make plans to remove all flower arrangements immediately following the service.  Arborlawn does not reuse or redistribute flower arrangements.

  • The family will need to provide a guestbook for the service.  We can provide a table or tables to contain items like memorabilia and family photos.  Also, easels can be provided by Arborlawn for larger pictures. Please plan to remove these items following the service.

  • Arborlawn has ample parking including handicap-accessible spaces, all around the campus.  Our largest lot is on the lower end or west side of the building with an entrance near the Elizabeth Cramer Chapel or building marked A1. Parking is limited on the east side in front of the Sanctuary entrance or near the church offices.  There will be outdoor parking signs leading people where to park, as well.


Arborlawn UMC does not strive to incur any profit in providing funeral and celebration of life memorial services.  These costs simply cover staff hired, custodial detailing, and utilities.  All fees will be payable directly to the person providing the service and delivered prior to the service, except for worship space usage and janitorial/utilities fees. These will be paid to Arborlawn UMC.

  • Sanctuary / Chapel / Lower Commons - Free

    Janitorial Services/Utilties Fee - Free

    Media and Sound Technician - $100 honorarium suggested

    Soloist/Pianist/Organist - $150 honorarium each suggested

    Police Officer - $100 per hour

  • Sanctuary / Chapel / Lower Commons - $200

    Janitorial Services/Utilties Fee - $175

    Media and Sound Technician - $100 honorarium suggested

    Soloist/Pianist/Organist - $150 honorarium each suggested

    Police Officer - $100 per hour

  • Military Rites are permitted for services at Arborlawn.  It is the responsibility of family or the funeral home to contact those who will be involved in performing the rites.  The Military rites will be held at the beginning of the service.

    Fraternal Rites are strongly encouraged to be held at a graveside, interment, or inurnment service.

    Arborlawn UMC does not allow empty caskets or urns to be used in our funeral or memorial services.  If your loved one’s remains are not physically present for the service, we can discuss options including providing a memorial candle with acknowledgment to memorialize your loved one.  If there is a casket, we require it to be closed at the beginning of the service and remain closed while it is on the church premises. 

    How many pews should be reserved for family members and close friends?

    At what point would the family like to enter the Chapel or Sanctuary?  When the service begins or during the music prelude?

    How would the family like to enter and exit the Sanctuary or Chapel? Some families enter down the main or side aisle, while others prefer to be seated before the service begins. Entrance and exit can be discussed at the planning meeting.

    The pastor(s) will meet with the family 10-15 minutes before the service begins, in the family room, for a time of prayer and to share any final words of preparation.