When I looked at this photo of my boys my wife sent me the other day, I immediately did two things. I completely forgot about what I was doing and cherished them, and I also thought what must be going through each of their minds? My youngest son seems to be looking to his big brother, watching for what he is going to do next, while big brother looks completely puzzled.
At a time when they are learning so much, this world has thrown them so much to learn but also adapt to. They watch their parents adapt and simply do not understand why we said we would do one thing but are now doing another. They just do not comprehend the concept of flexibility yet. When they go to bed each night and their minds are hushed and fast asleep in their beds, I grapple with my conscience and make sure I am leading them in a direction that is clear enough to follow, when I have to question my own right paths in this world.
Despite all the changes and adjustments we make throughout the day, have we allowed them time to catch up? Am I wearing the anxiety on my face too clear for them to notice?
In most cases, leadership is not an option. You lead in your home, your workplace, your community, your neighborhood, even in your small group of friends. Whether you think people are or not, they are looking to you at some point in time to gain knowledge and direction. Despite how lacking I may feel, I have found the most important leaders in my life are simply just present. They are there for me. Even if they do not know what my next steps should be, they lift me up with just their kind words or their humbling perspective.
I know my boys will always have each other, and they may take turns being leaders for each other and in their own individual circles, but I know the greatest quality I can show them right now is to be present for each other. Can we as a community of faith start by leading by example, and not worry so much about telling others what to do?
Heavenly Father, we do not look to you enough to lead us. We want quick answers and ones that fit our comfort zones the best. When each day can seem like a challenge, give us the strength to be leaders that others need us to be. Amen.
Written By: Matt Morrison