I'm pretty excited about this Sunday. For the first time in over a year, we'll have some Sunday School Classes back on campus! While I'm undeniably excited, there's quite a puzzle to put together between sprinkler flooding, construction, and COVID safety measures. Where can the classes meet? How often? What are the class wants/needs? Even with utilizing outdoor areas, we'll still have to rotate classes on campus during the Sunday School hour. One of the strengths of our church is our Sunday School hour. There are many long standing classes, each with their own DNA and preferences.
In trying to figure out how to put a puzzle together with too many pieces, some conversations are harder than others. I want everyone to be happy, learning about Jesus in the way that works for their class members. I'm thankful for zoom and that many classes have found a way to utilize it for their classes - but I also personally know the benefits of face to face, in-person community in my walk with Christ.
This week I got a call from one of our Sunday School leaders that was balm to my heart and soul. My friend Kay Cornelius, from the Ben Feemster New Testament Class, called to update me on their class conversation surrounding their wants needs. Kay is one of my favorite people, and he knows it, so I immediately wondered if he got elected to have a hard conversation with me. I figured this class would want to be back in their class - with 2 large TV's, plus ethernet and display lines that they paid for many years ago. The room is large and the technologically is perfect for hybrid (zoom and in-person) learning. Who doesn’t want to be in their room right now?
However, after that phone call my heart is full. It was not the conversation I was preparing for. The class voted to recognize that the space and its technology is not their classroom, but God’s. They also recognize that the membership of the class is in different places on how they view safety protocols for COVID, but they are happy to abide by the protocols to be able to meet in person. So, thank you Ben Feemster New Testament Class. And thanks to Kay for sharing their story with me this week. My conversations with class leaders have been a joy, and I look forward to more as we continue to take steps toward a new normal.
In the midst of COVID, switching back to in person activities, figuring out safety protocols with our Welcome Back Home Team - God is with us. I pray for patience and understanding as we slowly bring classes and groups back on campus. I pray that each and every one of us celebrates our diversity of opinions, and that we find ways to be in community with each other and with the Lord.
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Matthew 16:24
COVID has required all of us to give and take this past year. We have had to sacrifice in one way or another - at work, at home, in our social lives, and even in our families. I realize church is yet another place we have had disruption in our lives. I am thankful for Sunday School Classes who are willing to continue to deny themselves, being generous with their space and technology, as we begin getting classes back on campus.
And in the meantime, we will continue to pray fervently for the day campus can be fully open every Sunday.
Written By: Abby Johnson