When you affirm your faith in Jesus Christ, you are saying YES to the transforming love of God and your identity as a beloved child of God. You are deciding that the way to experience life to the fullest is not to follow your own ways or the ways of the world, but the ways of Christ. Affirmation does not signal the end of your faith journey, but rather it is the beginning of a new life marked by a growing, dynamic relationship with God and covenantal commitment to be led by the Spirit of God to follow in the ways of Christ. In our faith tradition, the most common forms of affirmation take place through confirmation or believer’s baptism. 


When you reaffirm your faith, you are simply affirming your faith again. You might feel called to reaffirm your faith if you have neglected your relationship with God, have not followed the ways of Christ, or have been away from the influence of the church (body of Christ) for some time. A reaffirmation communicates your recommitment to the ways of Christ and a reclamation of your identity as a child of God. Reaffirmation is offering a new YES to God. This often occurs through a reaffirmation of your original baptism in which you renew and recommit to your baptismal vows.

But you can reaffirm your faith even if none of the above conditions are true for you. Just as many happily married couples might choose to renew their vows as a sign of, and appreciation for, their continued mutual love for one another, you can emphasize your YES to God once again through a reaffirmation of faith. We actually reaffirm our faith regularly. In response to each new baptism, we reaffirm our own faith and recommit to our baptismal vows as we welcome a new sibling into the household of God. Still others choose to make a separate public profession of faith in recognition of how God has been active in their life and recommit to their YES to God through reaffirmation. This is something the Holy Spirit might lead you to do for your benefit and the encouragement of others.

interested in Affirming or Reaffirming your faith?
fill out THIS form and a pastor will be in contact with you.


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